A Moveable Feast  (vs. Stay Hungry) Co-curated with Carson Chan at The Gardens on Glesidreieck, Berlin, April 21st, 2011   Artists: Awst&Walther, Maxime Ballesteros, CaBoume, Telse Bus, Casual Goth, Christopher David, Zhivago Duncan, Fenster, B

A Moveable Feast, Berlin

  A Moveable Feast  (vs. Stay Hungry) Co-curated with Carson Chan at The Gardens on Glesidreieck, Berlin, April 21st, 2011   Artists: Awst&Walther, Maxime Ballesteros, CaBoume, Telse Bus, Casual Goth, Christopher David, Zhivago Duncan, Fenster, B

A Moveable Feast (vs. Stay Hungry)
Co-curated with Carson Chan at The Gardens on Glesidreieck, Berlin, April 21st, 2011

Artists: Awst&Walther, Maxime Ballesteros, CaBoume, Telse Bus, Casual Goth, Christopher David, Zhivago Duncan, Fenster, Britta & Ron Helbig, Iku Sakan, Markus Shimizu, Santiago Taccetti

Beginning at 9pm, the curators Emilie Trice and Carson Chan are invited to invade STAY HUNGRY with their independent exhibition titled "A Moveable Feast," which will include live performances by local musicians Fenster and invited guests, as well as a series of curated and spontaneous art performances and installations that have been developed organically for this one-night event.

A Moveable Feast aims to engage diverse corners of Berlin's creative community, bringing together musicians, contemporary artists, creative environmental activists and the broader public to experience the uniquely surreal atmosphere of the gardens at Gleisdreieck.

 *Photo by Maxime Ballesteros